Heartcore Software

No rules, only logic

dotpusher creates cutting-edge bespoke Web, Api and IoT apps using the latest Microsoft technologies and software architecture design pattens.

We build our systems from scratch rather than use off-the-shelf CMS systems because our custom-built object oriented code is simpler to understand, easier to build and more maintainable over the longterm.

If you need a state of the art system that outperforms your requirements, contact us!


dotpusher uses the latest technologies to create always-connected two-way real-time Api-based IoT systems with Raspberry Pi clients.

The IoT revolution has begun. Cheap ubiquitous computers ($5-$25) that are powerful enough to deliver the full native app experience.

We are using new hardware, operating systems, programming languages and programming management techniques to stay ahead of the curve.

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dotpusher has been successfully building cutting-edge custom-built enterprise-scale software since 2008.

Our focus is now on incorporating the IoT platforms into our traditional Web and API expertise.

Dive into IoT with us. We are perfectly positioned to take advantage of the new opportunities being offered by the IoT revolution.

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dotpusher produces enterprise solutions that conform to the highest standards of software engineering practice.

Our solutions are based on the following patterns and frameworks:

  • MVVM C# UWP Desktop & Raspberry Pi Apps
  • MVC .net Core Web Apps - Responsive
  • MVC .net Core API SaaS - RESTful
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Advanced Developer Training

dotpusher has developed training courses and materials to bring junior developers up to speed with the modern programming theory and practice.

We also do Software Architecture and Design Pattern training for corporate clients upon request.

If you like to advance the skills of your dev team, check out our training program.

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